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バンコクで日本語通じるドラッグストア drugstore-can-tell-japanese in Bangkok
たまたま立ち寄ったエマカイ駅前の ゲートウェイエマカイ 1階です。日本の高輪ゲートウェイみたいな名前ですが、ただのショッピングセンターですな。
There is dragstore in the Gateway Emakakai on the first floor,nearby Emakai Station, which happened to stop by. It has a name like Japan’s Takanawa Gateway, but it’s just a shopping center.
There is a bus terminal next to the Gateway Emakai.
ツルハドラッグってお店で日本製の薬がガッツリあります。日本のドラッグストアと比べてしまうと物足りないですが、異国で日本製の薬を買えるなんてほんとにありがたいですよね。 今回はバスに乗る前に立ち寄っただけですので、何も買いませんでした。店員さんが日本語喋れるのかどうかは確認しませんでした。

Tsuruha drug has plenty of Japanese medicines . It’s not good enough compared to the Japanese drug store, but it is really appreciated that you can buy Japanese medicine in a foreign country. I did not buy anything because I just stopped by this time before getting on the bus. I did not confirm whether the clerk could speak Japanese.
ターミナル21 とかやシーロムのショッピングセンターにも日本製の薬置いてありそうだなと思って行ってみたけど、ドラッグストアはあるけど、日本製はなかなか置いてないんですよね。
I thought that it would be possible to sell Japanese medicines at terminal 21 shopping center or Silom shopping center.There is a drug store, but I could not find Japanese drug at all.
I have caught a cold on my last golf travel and wandered around town. I had experience of giving up buying Japanese medicine. There was no one.
日本の風邪薬に似たデザインのを発見して、これはパブロンだろ?って箱の説明読んでも 頭が朦朧としていて さっぱりわからなかった。
Discovering a design similar to Japanese medicine for cold,
I said that this is Paburon, right? Even if I read the explanation of the box, I did not understand it because my head was jealous .

It is impossible for me to buy medicine using English when I have a fever and a headache. English letters written on medicine box are too small to read! ! ! !
Lower case letters that may not be possible with Haskilupe.I was almost going to fall on the spot.
I had no experience of seeing a doctor overseas, and I can not pay it if it is a terrible fee. The insurance may be paid, but you may not get the insurance within the disclaimer. Or rather, it’s a pain to look for a doctor.
I bought it properly and drank it and it got worse, I thought it was the worst and I endured that I had a fever after all. I went back to the hotel and put it on my wet towel head
ドラッグストア以外でも日本で馴染みのお店がたくさんあります There are many familiar shops from Japan in Emakai
I was happy because I had a familiar restaurant in Japan besides the drug store when I was planning the floor.
Maxvalue, Ramen shop, Dunkin donuts, Sukiya, Nagasaki Champon, Sapporo Ramen, Pork Cutlet shop, and Daiso etc. If you get bored with Thai rice or miss the taste of Japan, please stop by.