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Hello Im Kamonegi.
I will introduce overseas hotels that I have stayed , and my personal opinion. Im into staying and walking around Capsule Hotel in Shinjuku recently. I’m thinking about experiencing different things from foreign dormitories.
The first time I asked the travel agency to reserve a hotel in advance, but recently I have made a reservation locally with the smartphone app. It is really a hit and miss.
使っているアプリはHOTELS.COM と BOOKING.COM AMEXの提携の日本旅行もたまに使います。
Im using is app that HOTELS.COM and BOOKING.COM ocasionally used Nihonryokou of partnership AMEX.
International round trip tickets are 100% at Nihonryokou because airline ticket search is fast. There are many other ticket searches, but the search results from Nihonryokou are the best. That report will show you a separate post.
話戻りますと、アプリ使うとお気軽に日本語表示で予約出来ちゃいます。予約出来ていなくてホテルでトラブルなんて事も一度もないです。まじで便利になったよな。 支払いはCREDIT CARDで事前支払いしてます。事前支払いのほうがいろいろお得になるようですしトラブルも少ないのではないかと思います。そのかわりホテル受付の人とのやり取りは最小限なので、たくさん喋りたい人には物足りないかも。最近は日本国内の出張や小旅行の時でもこれらのアプリを使ってます。ブログを作るなんて思ってもいなかったので写真はほとんど無しです。めんご。
If you go back, you can use the app to make a reservation in Japanese view. I have not made a reservation and I havent had trouble at the hotel.
It was really useful. Payment is made in advance by CREDIT CARD. Pre-payment seems to be advantageous in various ways and I think that there may be few troubles.
Instead, the interaction with the people at the hotel receptionist is minimal, so it might be inadequate for people who want to talk a lot.
Recently, I use these apps even during business trips and excursions in Japan. I didn’t even think of making a blog, so there are almost no photos. sorry
Thai land タイ
バンコク Bangkok
ON THE BED HOTEL (Domitory ドミトリ)
屋上風景 The veiw from top roof of the hotel
Reserved with HOTELS.COM.
When I made a reservation, it is about 1200 yen per night. It is a capsule type dormitory. The air conditioning is so good but it is too cold.
The top of the 4th floor has a glass ceiling and sun light comes in, so it doesn’t seem like a capsule type. There are shampoo and body soap.
There were several pairs of Japanese parents and children. It seems that there are also two rooms for family.
The luggage compartment is under the capsule, and two large backpacks are likely to enter,there are also a key.
It’s cheap than Shinjuku Capsule Hotel it costs around 9,000 yen
I really want to stay this hotel gain.
White orchid (single room シングルベッド シングルルーム)
I arrive at aroud 8:00pm

white orcid 2
スワンナプーム空港に到着してからHOTELS.COMで予約しました。シングルルームなんですが、横の建物がレストランで、厨房機器の動作音が強烈でよく眠れなかった。石鹸 シャンプーはありました。ドライヤー無いので注意です。
shampoo 〇 soap 〇 Hair dryer ✖
I arrived at Suvarnabhum Airport and made a reservation with HOTELS.COM. It was a single room, but the building next to it was a restaurant, and the operation noise of the kitchen equipment was intense and I could not sleep well. There was a soap shampoo ,but be careful there is not hairdryer
There is one woman at the check-in counter, she was really friendly for me
Ground5 hotel グランド5ホテル (Dubble bed ダブルベッド)
It is reserved by HOTELS.COM. There is a double bed and a glass shower room. There was not bath, but there was a place to sit in the shower room and it was comfortable.
I could sleep comfortably . There are TV and Japanese programs, and it seems to be able to connect iphone for mirrar connect .
The key is a card type. Many Arab and Islamic people were staying there. There were many Arab and Islamic restaurants at aroud the hotel.
Back pack station(Domitory ドミトリー)
The price was a little lower than the map display, but the deposit required Baht 300 or 500. The bunk bed is like a capsule. It was full of western backpackers. There were good restaurants for local food nearby the hotel.It was a delicious and cheap.
The ladder to the upper bed was hard to climb up. After that, the hot water in the shower stopped and it came out when I used it. It will be in the same room as men and women
シャンプー、石鹸なし ドライヤーあり
shampoo 〇 soap 〇 Hair dryer ✖
AETAS Lunpini ツインベッド
It was a hotel I stayed when I went to a golf club by arranging a travel agency. It was a nice hotel according to the picture. It is not a luxury hotel, but it is comparable. The charge was about displayed on MAP. Breakfast was luxurious and delicious. It is not just a local taste.
There was a Japanese woman at the check-in counter, and I was able to check in and out all in Japanese. This area is close to the business district, there is no downtown area nearby, but I was able to relax in Lumpini Park. The view from the room was also grate
Center point センターポイント TWIN ツインベッド
ホテルのプールから撮影 photo taken from the pool of the hotel

photo from centerpoint
旅行会社手配でゴルフやりに行った時に泊ったホテルです。バルコニーがあってそこからの夜景が綺麗で良かった。3月ころでしたが、プールで昼寝して最高でした。部屋はキッチン付き、バストイレだけでドミトリー6カプセル分はあります。トイレ シャワー バスがガラスで仕切られていて、床は大理石調で、ずいぶん贅沢なつくりなのに このお値段で泊まれるなんて、すごいお得です。なんか計算間違えてんじゃねーの?って思うくらい。
It was a hotel I stayed when I went to play golf by arranging a travel company. There was a balcony and the night view from there was beautiful and good. It was around March, but it was great to take a nap in the pool. The room is equipped with a kitchen, and there are bathroom. The bathroom is divided by glass, the floor is marbled, and it is a great luxury that you can stay at cheap price. Is it wrong to calculate something? I think
There are restaurants and supermarkets , Mac and stalls on 1F and BF. It is very useful .
shampoo 〇 soap 〇 Hair dryer 〇
Ayutaya アユタヤ
Grandparents Home Hotel ダブルベッド Dubblebed 1Room
Book on Hotels.com. There are four 2-story buildings on the premises. This is the first time. It is cheap although room is large, TV is thin wall-mounted TV. The hot water also goes out properly with a new water heater in the shower. The air conditioner was also made in Japan. Bed sheets and blankets were also very clean. Also, because it was in the country, I was very quiet and slept well. There were many Asians in the hotel. Many locals also stayed.
21Capusel Hotel
I was Booking on Hotels.com.
It was very comfortable and cheap 21 Capsule Hotel. There was a man who seems scarery littleas
the receptionist, but it was beautiful English. The shower was beautiful and the toilet was beautiful. As there was a lot of noise as it was downtown, the room was quiet, and air conditioning was working on a batch. I do not know if a woman can stay.
Charisma hotel ダブルベッド(窓無)Dubble no window
Book on Hotels.com. I could not go to sleep because the club next door was open until morning with a loud volume. It’s cheap and it’s pretty if you don’t know it. Other foreigners who were staying there were really sleepy too, I guess I couldn’t sleep.
However, the Korean girl at the reception was very cute.
マラッカ Meraka
ユーロリッチホテル ダブルベッド
Is it an atmosphere like Portugal? As it was far from downtown, it was quiet.
A lot of people of Malaysia stayed. It is so cheap and included breakfast . It might probably I have to paid but because I am Japanese, I can not understand the language and hotel clerk might have missed it at all.
Acording front desk , it seems that it is rare for Japanese to stay this hotel.
シンガポール Singapore
ペニンシュラ エクセルシオール Peninsula Excelsior キングダブルベッド king dubblebed
近くに博物館があります。夜のライトアップした博物館綺麗でした。シンガポールは夜 出歩けるからいいですよね。
Book at booking.com. It is a reasonable price, but it is cheap considering staying at Bay Sands. The location is also downtown with a pool. There were two pools. Going to the Bay Sands is also a good way to go on the subway.
There is a museum nearby. The lighted up museum at night was beautiful. It’s good because Singapore can go out at night.
フィリピン セブ Philippines Cebu
Mシティー スイーツ M City Suites 1ROOM no window
booking.comで予約。セブのクラブが近くにあります。留学先の学校の先生、といっても若いあんちゃんから、是非クラブに寄ってってって言われたので、夜出歩いてみたけど、昼間の状況からすると、なんかトラブルに巻き込まれそうでしたので、さっさとホテルに帰って寝ました。たしか朝食が格安で食べれたよ。シャワーのお湯が出なくて残念。no windowだと圧迫感があって、疲れます。ただ街中なのでコンビニ、マックがあって便利です。それにしてもセブは街歩いてると色いろ買ってくれって寄ってくる人がいて疲れました。
Book on booking.com. Cebu’s club is nearby. I was told that I was going to go to the club by all means from the school teacher of the study abroad destination, but the young An-chan, so I was going to go out at night, but from the daytime situation, it seemed to be caught in trouble So I went back to my hotel and went to bed. I was able to eat breakfast cheaply. I’m sorry I didn’t get hot water in the shower. I feel tired and tired with no window. As it is only in town, there are convenience stores and Macs that are convenient. Even so, as I was walking in the city, Cebu was tired of getting people to buy me a color.
マクタンシーサイドホステル Mactan Seaside Hostel シングルベッド 個室 SINGLE 1ROOM(very tiny)
シングルベッド 個室ですが 3畳位の広さでテレビは無し。シャワー、トイレは共同です。料金が1泊800円くらいでした。いままで海外で泊った中で一番安いホテル。
This is a private room but size is 3 tatamimats and has no TV. Shower and toilet are shared. The fee was about 800 yen per night. The cheapest hotel I have stayed abroad so far.
タクシーで行ったのですが途中からガタガタ道になり野良ヤギはいるは、ネズミも居て、タクシーの運転手も え?ってなってて ものすごく不安になりました。やばいかも、これは別のホテルに変更したほうがいいかもと思いましたが、なんとか到着。GOOGLEMAPが無きゃたどり着けないよ。海まで徒歩3分くらいです。
I went by taxi.The road was rattled and there are many goats, rats.Taxidriver said on no. I became very uneasy about it. I thought it would be better to change another hotel. but I arrived. I can not get there without GOOGLEMAP. It is about 3 minutes on foot to the sea.
It was good for the employee male to be friendly. At night the guests of the nearby hotel made a big noise on the barbecue, but if you don’t have such a thing, I think it might be extremely quiet
It was interesting to have a cute girl who came for diving from Manila (but she return to Manila on a late-night flight) and a grandma who came alone on vacation from the United States.
There is also a famous hotel’s seafood restaurant nearby, so please go by all means. I must not have been. The reason is because it was attached to the guide of the local FREE. He came in with a great friendly smile and guided me, but in the end he was told me” give me a tip”. After that,he taken me to the pier, and how is it going back and forth to the remote island? I said that its almost evening, and when I refused it, I was surrounded by a souvenir shop seller. The price is about 10 times the price than souvenir shop there.
Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees ダブルベッド
This hotel was arranged by JTB. I got a travel coupon, so I settled it out. I made travel arrangements about 10 days ago . It was four times the charge displayed on the GoogleMAP. Because I stayed at the end of the year December 28, 29, 30, 31 for 4 nights. It was 100,000 yen only at this hotel fee. It was only here that available hotel near the city. It was a quadruple price, but I stayed on the 22nd floor, so the view was really good and the room was gorgeous. I also went to Hong Kong’s countdown, but it was amazing. The polices roadbike by the Hong Kong police were really cool. I haven’t left it even though I took the picture.
8degree means from the design of this hotel. It seems that the design of the interior is inclined . I was feeling “Why did you do?”.
Travelers came from all over the world.
There is a bus stop for the airport near the hotel. There are plenty of different buses, so it was convenient even far from town.
新宿ドミトリー編は次ベージです Chapter Shinjuku Dormitory is the next page
Shinjuku 新宿
9 hours. カプセル
It is located in the Korean town at Shin-Okubo. It is a beautiful building. We go to the seventh floor by elevator for check in. The back of the reception is the lobby space, full of foreigners. teher are few Japanese people . The receptionists can speaking English and Korean. It is natural to speak several languages for people at the dormitory now.
I moved to the capsule area from the lower floor with a separate elevator by sex after check-in. The shower room is on other floor,which has full of shower and a toilet is beautiful.
Thats why they have a counter on the 7th floor for security? Or maybe there are other different reasons?
We have to went up to seventhfloor to outside of hotel by elevator , and we changed elevators and went down, it was a quite troublesome.
Also trouble going back to the room
The capsule was large. The locker is large, which can store one large suitcase and various other items easily. Open by card key and it is auto lock. They completely target foreign travelers.
You must-have item earplugs because cupsel area has a noise from the air conditioning machine
Even if you consecutive nights,you have to check out once at 10 o’clock every day. This system feels like Japan only
夜景が綺麗ですThe night view is beautiful

The night view is beautiful

The night view is beautiful.
トランジット新宿 カプセル Transit Shinjuku Capsule
This is also near Shin-Okubo station. We go to the front desk by elevator. It seems that Japanese clerks can speak English and Korean . There are lockers and showers on the checkin floor. Take the stairs to the upper capsule area. It seems to be a floor by gender. Both the shower and the capsule are beautiful.
The smoking area is outside the capsule area. it takes 10 seconds on foot. Thank you for not having to go to the outside of first floor.
The mat is thin, and the locker is about half of nine hours hotel, but it’s cheap, so we have to patient.
The shower is very beautiful. Including fee.
Internet Cafe Booth
I feel that the Internet cafe and Capsule Hotel are united. The 7th floor of the building is the reception. The internet cafe is also fashionable and there are many people at any time. Even if you stay at Capsule Hotel, you can have an unlimited drink and soft cream as well. Soft cream is quite delicious. I really Recommende. As the located in the middle of Kabukicho, there are many foreigners. The clerk at the internet cafe looks like can speak English fluently. Other clerks seem to be able to speak Chinese.
It’s nice to have a smoking room in the internet cafe and you don’t have to go out.
The shower costs 200 yen once, but it can be used for 30 minutes. It’s very clean and I think it’s okay. Even in the case of consecutive nights, you do not have to check out once at 10 o’clock, so you can sleep slowly.
ba bye