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- バンコクからマレーシア・Padang Besar まで国鉄夜行列車に乗る Take a night train from Bangkok to Padang Besar, Malaysia
- マイペンライすぎっしょ。 My pen rai too.
- オリエンタルエクスプレス かっけー!!
- 上段ベットは狭いよー、絶対に下段予約すべし The upper bet is narrow, you should definitely make a reservation for the lower bet
- 車内販売とレストランありますが 乗る前にビール購入必須です There are in-car sales and restaurants, but beer purchase is mandatory before riding
- 国境駅到着。
- ETSに乗り継ぎ Transfer to ETS
- 共有:
- いいね:
- 関連
バンコクからマレーシア・Padang Besar まで国鉄夜行列車に乗る Take a night train from Bangkok to Padang Besar, Malaysia
マイペンライすぎっしょ。 My pen rai too.
It should have been 15:10 departure from Furaporn Station, but it was 16:40 departure. I started to change the connection of passenger cars from about 15:00. It was n’t a rush trip, so I ’ve been waiting for . There are people who sell lunch boxes in the train. I bought a lunch box after all. 80 baht. Isn’t it a rip off?
オリエンタルエクスプレス かっけー!!
The Oriental Express stopped at the next home. The destination is Singapore.
Next time,I want to get on that train . but not cheap from 450,000 JPY. to 1 million JPY it is expensive
ガぁa くうーーー 。 首が90度下に曲がりました。、こりゃあ無理ですわ。
Gaa kuoooo. The neck bent 90 degrees down. This is impossible.
It seems that there are only two or three round trips every month, so Im lucky just to encounter the Oriental Express.

上段ベットは狭いよー、絶対に下段予約すべし The upper bet is narrow, you should definitely make a reservation for the lower bet

There are only a few lights on the ceiling, so you can’t read books, and there are no windows, so you can’t see the outside scenery. I can’t use my smartphone because I can’t charge it. I slept because I wasn’t doing it. The air conditioner was too cold. I wore cold clothes. There was no place to smoke afterwards.
車内販売とレストランありますが 乗る前にビール購入必須です There are in-car sales and restaurants, but beer purchase is mandatory before riding
In-car sales are replaced every time locals stop at the station. You can buy various foods. they have anything to come to sell, so they’ve had a lot of meetings. The restaurant order in the car will also come to each seat. There seems to be no beer. There was no beer even in the car sales.
The upper stage has no window and there is only a sound that sounds inside the car and a sound that goes when the iron bridge passes. Everyone was quiet and had a good night’s sleep without much shaking, but the air conditioner was too effective and cold. End of the first day.
The next morning arrival should be 8:53 in Thai time, but it is past 10:30. Orz, what are you doing?
When I left the car, it was rattling, but when I get up in the morning, it is full. A lot of people got on the way. I didn’t notice at all.
長かった。列車に乗ってから22時間です。約1000km 飛行機なら1時間だぜ。
It was long. 22 hours after getting on the train. About 1000km (1 hour for an airplane)
The imigre is over, and it is a break at Buda Bazaar Station until 14:20. Buda Bazaar Station and Thai border area.
There was a cow in the parking lot in front of the station. No sign of running away. It ’s a peaceful time. Maybe you’re moving with a cow?

ETSに乗り継ぎ Transfer to ETS
The ETS car is very cold. Jacket is required. I arrived in Kuala Lumpur and caught a cold, but I think the cause is absolutely Ets. And the arrival at 20:05 was near 21:00. When I came near Kuala Lumpur, I went slowly and stopped. There is one outlet under the seat. A branch tap is required to get along with your neighbors.
KL SENTRALにはバンコク出発してから30時間で到着。何もしてないのにクタクタ。速攻で両替して モノレールに乗って速攻でホテル行って寝ましたよ。