キャプチャ画面を使用した手順作成時の省力化 Labor saving at the time of procedure manual using capture screen

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Time required to read this article is about 8min7sec

In Japanese


ところで アプリとかワードプレスの操作で便利な使い方発見したときは、記事作成して情報シェアしたいと思い記事を作成しますが、スマートフォンだとタップになってしますのでキャプチャした後に画像を編集しなきゃいけないじゃないですか。赤線で囲ったり、矢印付けたりと、いろいろとメンドクサイです。

kamonegi pc







ブルートゥースマウスなんて知らなかったけど、快適ですね。3000円くらいです。さっそくマウスの電源オンにしますとスマホ画面に矢印が出現しました。オーすごい!!たったこれだけの事ですがテンション上がります。マウスカーソル矢印は小と大 どちらかに変更出来たため(自分のスマホはシャープです)大矢印に設定変更しました。








In English

good evening. I concentrated on exam study Eiken 2nd grade exam and correction of AMP errors, I have been busy recently so not posting articles ,but I was drafting little by little.

By the way, when I find useful usage by operation of application or WordPress,I would like to create an article and share information and create an article,but,It is really annoying for me. I have to edit the image after caoturing such as Some red line, some arrow are various.

kamonegi haininaru

I really respect People who offer wordpress themes free of charge and carefully prepare the procedure book . I understand that it is a beautiful and a easy to understand, and it takes a huge amount of time. In the case of myself, I wondered if I could reduce their work time.

I remembered that, I dropped my smartphone and there was a crack on the screen about 4 years ago, and I asked for a replacement to the au shop.There was a crack on the screen, so I couldn’t tap it, so when I took it to the au shop,shop clark was connect the mouse and took back up the my data from my smartphone right away.

If I connect a mouse, an arrow icon appears on the screen, and I can make a screen shot of it, so I omit a red frame or something?

I have a USB mouse (it’s an old mouse) and a cable that I bought at that time, so I tried to connect it, but smartphon not working.(In japanese   it dosnt tell Untmo Suunto(うんともすんともいわない). It seems that power is not supplied to the USB connected mouse. It worked well on the previous smartphone. It is one of the contributing factors that the smartphone is the latest one.

After all it is not good. Isn’t there any better way? When I looked at a recent mouse at Yahoo, I found that there was a Bluetooth connection in addition to wireless USB, and I quickly ordered Pochi.

I did not know the Bluetooth mouse, but it is comfortable feeling of use. It is around 3000 yen. As soon as I turn on the power of the mouse, an arrow appears on the smartphones screen. Oh wow! ! It is only this, but I have tension rises. Since the mouse cursor arrow could be changed to small or large (my smartphone is made of sharp), I was changing setting from tiny arrow to large arrow.

daioosan hacchakeru

I made a screen shot right away. I think that everyone can do the setting of the mouse, but since I have never done it. I will put on the blog,the procedure of Sharp’s smartphone

1、 Tap the smartphone setting. It is a mouse cursor.

screenshot of sumaho

2、Then tap Accessibility

3、Slide the large mouse pointer to the right to turn it on.


That’s all, but do you think it’s really easy? It is surprisingly easy to understand. It is a feeling that one process can be omitted if compared to post-processing. I think that this is enough.

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HELLO Im living in Japan. I like playing Golf,learning English,making my web site and so on.